11th St.Gallen Karate Championship (KKSG) Flawil

On June 18, 2022, the 11th Cantonal St. Gallen Karate Championship (KKSG) took place in the Botsberg sports hall, Flawil, under the direction of Mislim Imeroski and his team. The newly elected president of the cantonal karate association, Kujtim Ameti,  from the  Flawil karate school, extends a warm welcome to all karatekas and wishes them a nice and fair tournament. The event was well attended with 165 athletes,  with 250 entries, from 9 schools in the canton of St.Gallen. In different age groups, from 5 years to U20, people fought for precious metal, fame, and honor on three tatamis (floor mats, battlefields)! In the morning  The tournament started with the disciplines “Katas” (individual, team, and handicap). This is the name of the fight against imaginary opponents. Before the lunch break, the ranking announcements of all katas. During the lunch break, a rich buffet invited you to linger. Here and there you could hear team discussions about “strategies” as to how opponents could be defeated…. Then, in the afternoon, the discipline “Kumite” (individual and team), that is, the direct encounter between two fighters. In the categories up to U8,  the karatekas fought against the so-called “ball”, i.e. an imaginary opponent. After the last competition, the award ceremonies took place in “Kumite”. The winners of each category were celebrated loudly,  almost like sports stars!  Excerpt ranking list: 1. Karate School Flawil, 2. Shotokan  Karate St.Gallen, 3. Karate School Altstätten , 4. Wado Karate St.Gallen, 5.  Karate Rapperswil-Uznach, 6. Shotokan Karate Rüthi, 7. Arashi Yama Wil, 8. Wadokai  Karate Goldach, 9th Karate Do Walensee.

Congratulations to all competitors for their achievements. Many thanks to all referees, coaches, and helpers for their effort to make this event a success. We are looking forward to the 12th KKSG tournament in 2023.

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